The Anatomy of a Painting and First Blog Post on My Updated Website!

So this is often how it starts, with a good photo from an unexpected meeting. Meet Lenny and Squiggy. They are best friends. I just happened to meet their mom at Fetch Antiques and Interiors, the little antique shop where i sell my original paintings in Hillsborough, NC. She saw some prints of mine and then shared some photos of her darling pigmy goats she had on her iphone. They even have their own webpage. I got that feeling you get when you know a painting is starting to form in your brain, and knew that as soon as i was off of work, i would put aside all the million other distractions in my life and make time to paint them....
Here is the start of the painting, and the part where i go, what was i thinking, I'll never pull this off! There is always that point in the painting where it looks awful and you just don't EVEN know how it's all going to work out...
I'll be sure to show the finished product when I get done!